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Field Activity(Japanese language class, Sunday course)

Bus Trip to Oarai Aquarium

Japanese language class had the field activity on October 31 (Sun.).
At first we were scheduled to go to Mt. Tsukuba and a footbath, but changed to Oarai aquarium and a fish market. We thought mountain-walking would be unsafe as it had been raining until the day before.
Forty seven people (23 people of students and their family, 11 children and 13 Japanese staffs) joined and had a pleasant time.

The bus left Noda city office at 8:30, went through express way and arrived at Oarai aquarium at about 10:30. Each attendant introduced himself (herself) in the bus.

Now, let’s look around the aquarium.



We took photos in front of a shoal of sardines.


This is a dolphin & seal show.
Both dolphins and seals are smart, aren’t they?


Children are pleasantly looking around the fish


The statues of penguin and seal were waiting for us in the outside of the aquarium.

Commemorative photo of all attendants


We had cloudy skies on that day and it was a little cold all day long. But we could have a pleasant time.
After visiting the aquarium, we went to Nakaminato fish market to buy sea food souvenirs. We could buy fish, crabs, sliced raw fish, dried fish, boiled fish paste, and so on.
In the bus on our way home we all sang Japanese songs and enjoyed harmonica play. It was a very pleasant bus trip.
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