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Kimchi Pickling Class
We made genuine Kimchi with citizens together.
Kimchi Pickling Class was held on Saturday, November 28 commencing at 13.00 and Sunday, November 29 commencing at 9.00, at Nanbu Umesato Public Hall.
Chinese cabbages were preserved in salt from Saturday afternoon and Kimchi were made on Sunday.
The lecturer was Ms. Suzumi Kasai.
Thirty two people including seven NIA staff attended the class.
We were listening to Ms. Kasai’s instruction interestingly,
and then we started making Kimchi.
and then we started making Kimchi.
The attendants were divided into a couple of groups,
and each group prepared vegetable ingredients and sauce.
and each group prepared vegetable ingredients and sauce.

Chinese cabbage, Japanese radish, Welsh onion, carrot, Japanese parsley,
leek, apple, ginger, and garlic

1. To chop Japanese radishes and carrots into rectangular slices with a length of 3cm, and cut Welsh onion, Japanese parsley and leek to a length of 3cm
2. To grind ginger and garlic down
3. To make sauce and mix it with chopped & cut vegetables
4. To insert mixed-sauce in salted Chinese cabbages
Now, we finished making genuine Kimchi.
Please take the Kimchi home and eat it with your family.

Please take the Kimchi home and eat it with your family.