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Yamazaki Elementary School

International Education Program

The 5th international education program in Yamazaki elementary school was held on October 23 (Fri), 2009.
Three lecturers (a Chinese, a Peruvian and a Malaysian) were invited to teach 5th graders (70 schoolchildren).




Showing the map, the lecturer introduced
Malaysian culture, language and industry to the schoolchildren.

“We have a mild climate throughout the year in Malaysia.”
“There are many Japanese companies in Malaysia.”
Last of all, they sang together in chorus in Malaysian language.

It was a happy time.



The lecturer introduced Chinese culture, the geography of China
and special features of Hong Kong to the schoolchildren.
They were wondered at the vastness of China.
“What is this Chinese kanji?” They enjoyed a Kanji quiz game.



The lecturer started introduction of Peru by asking
“Do you know the Inca Empire?”
“Peru is on the opposite side of the earth from Japan.”
Putting on Peruvian costume and toys,
the schoolchildren were taken commemorative picture.
It was a good memory of the program.

Kawama Elementary School

International Education Program

The 1st International Education Pragram in Kawama elementary school was held on February 10 (Tue), 2009.
Forty eight 5th graders were separated into 4 classes, and 4 lectures (a Malaysian, a Korean, a British and a Peruvian) took charge of one class each.

An opening address

It was the first time for schoolchildren and teachers to have
an international education plogram like this.
All the members learnt by experience fruitfully.


Introduction of the national flag of Malaysia and Malaysian culture
The schoolchildren tried on a native costume and grinned.
They got excited to have an unexpected experience. “Wow! That’s great!”
Last of all, they sang together in chorus in Malaysian language.
It was an enjoyable education.



The neighboring country “Korea”
The lecturer gently introduced Korea to the schoolchildren.
“Wow! I want to go there.”
The lecturer gently told;
“In Korea, people write their own name like this.”
“I’d like you to study Japanese hard.”


Showing the map, the lecturer introduced Peru to the schoolchildren.
“Peru is in South America. The Andes runs in the country. We have a lot of World Heritage in our country.”
The schoolchildren have gotten interested in Peruvian native instrument, everything to listen and to look at. They want to know many things about Peru.

The United Kingdom (UK)

The lecturer explains the origin of the Union Jack (the national flag of UK).
Although the schoolchildren felt tense due to the first experience, they said “good bye” and tightly shook hands with the lecturer after the class.
It was a very friendly education.

Nanakohdai Elementary School

International Education Program

The international education program in Nanakohdai elementary school was held on February 3 (Tue), 2009.
Eighty six 6th graders were separated into 4 classes,
and 4 lectures (an American, a Canadian, a Chinese and a Thai)
took charge of one class each.

Introduction of the lecturers

The 6th international education program in this school
The participants got used to the international education program
soon and the class was a success.


Introduction of Chinese character
The schoolchildren learned that in China some kanji
may be read in different way from Japan.
They discovered something new in familiar kanji
and were listening to the lecturer attentively


Introduction of the national flag of Thai and how to hoist it
All the schoolchildren expressed their surprise
when they listened to the lecturer.
“That’s great”
They learnt what the schoolwork in Thai is like,
and said “that’s hard”.
Let’s try our best!

The United States of America (USA)


The schoolchildren were listening
to the native English interestingly.
Japanese food culture
They burst into laughter when they heard some Japanese words
such as TAKOYAKI and YAKITORI in the speech in English.
The lecture went together with gesture and the class was full of laugh and cheers.



Two groups of the schoolchildren competed in JANKEN
(rock, paper, scissors) game using the panel.
“We wish we could have such class”
The burst of laughter echoed in and outside of the classroom.

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